Eucalyptus cladocalyx
Sugar Gum
This large tree will grow 75'-100' high and has a straight trunk. It has leathery, long, reddish, fragrant leaves, often curled and drooping. Outer bark is rough and reddish, peeling to expose a white, smooth inner bark. The tree produces clusters of white flowers that bloom from June through August. Eucalyptus varieties are highly combustible. This plant is used for windbreaks and for harvesting timber. It tolerates full to part sun and does well in loam or sandy soil. It prefers acidic to alkaline soil. It is susceptible to some pests such as beetle borers. It attracts birds and bees but not deer. This tree may be potentially invasive as it spreads via seeds dispersed by the wind. If you live next to a channel, please consider NOT planting this tree.