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Echium candicans

Pride Of Madeira

Plant photo of: Echium candicans
Information by:         Photographer: Acacia/ Mullany/SBCC



Mature specimens of this evergreen shrub can grow to a size of 6'-8' tall and 8'-10' wide. In the spring, spikes of blue-purple flowers appear above the gray green foliage. It should receive full sun in coastal areas. In warmer inland areas, it should get some afternoon shade and more water during summer. However, once it's established, it needs little or no summer watering. This plant can be severely damaged by frost below 25 degrees F. Prune during fall to encourage lower branches to bloom. Great shrub for hillsides where it can spread. Honey bees love this plant. Does great in poor, dry soil. All parts of plant are poisonous. It appears to spread slowly into established native plant communities. Consider not planting echium if you live next to native plants.


Plant Type


Height Range

3-6', 6-12'

Width Range


Flower Color

Blue, Purple

Flower Season


Leaf Color

Grey Green, Light Green

Bark Color


Fruit Color


Fruit Season


Water Saving Tip:

Mulching around plants helps retain water and improves the soil.